Daniel Paulson
Voice: Bass, Piano, Voice: Soprano, Voice: Alto, Voice: Tenor, Voice: Baritone, Music Theory, Aural Skills, Music History, Composing, Songwriting, Conducting
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  • My Introduction
  • About Me
  • Me as a Teacher
  • My Teaching Style
My Introduction


About Me
Daniel I. Paulson enjoys a multifaceted career as a conductor, composer, music educator, soloist, and clinician. He is an alumnus of the School of Music at Sacramento State University and California State University, Los Angeles with degrees in voice performance and choral conducting, and is currently a doctoral student in music education at Teachers College, Columbia University. Daniel has been a featured conductor on the International Festival of New American Music in Sacramento, CA, the Old First Concert Series in San Francisco, CA, and the American Choral Directors Association’s 2011 National Convention in Chicago, IL.    His extended education includes studying early music with the Western Wind Ensemble, the King’s Singers, and at the 2013 American Bach Soloist’s Summer Academy. He has been a featured presenter at the TEDx Sacramento Conference, for the Sacramento Chapter of Creative Mornings, and in the Summer of 2014, he spent a month teaching vocal/choral music as a guest lecturer at the National University in Costa Rica.   Currently, he is Professor of Voice and Choral Music at Sacramento City College, is a resident artist with the Tahoe Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, and serves as Founder & Music Director for Vox Musica (www.VoxMusica.net).
Me as a Teacher
I am effective and efficient. I provide real and tangible communication and feedback. I am empathetic and compassionate, all the while holding my clients to their expectations.
My Teaching Style
My teaching practice is diverse and inclusive. I am a published scholar in the vocal applied setting with a focus on trans and non-binary vocal students. I acknowledge the approaches and interests of various disciplines, backgrounds and learning modalities for each of my students. In my teaching practices, I try to observe how each student learns, build upon their strengths, clearly lay out course expectations, encourage independent thinking, and provide frequent feedback. I am passionate about teaching and am effective and efficient for each of my clients.
  • Professional Mentor
  • BM Voice Performance Sacramento State University School of Music
  • MM Choral Conducting California State University Los Angeles
  • MM Music Education Teachers College at Columbia University in New York
  • Doctoral Candidate Teachers College at Columbia University in New York
  •  Available
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  •  Closed
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